The St Vincent de-Paul Society of St Bernadette’s Church in Tullybody, recently donated over £1000 worth of goods to the local Food Bank, The Gate, in Alloa. The money was a result of money donated by the congregation in the SVDP box at the end of Mass.
The project concerned was a Start Up project, run by The Gate, to help people who were previously homeless ,but who had been given their first home by the local council. The goods donated were to enable them to start gathering the basics of putting a home together,
And included duvets and covers, pillows and bedding , bath and hand towels, pots and pans, crockery, mugs, Kettles and Toasters.
They also approached the local Asda store, who happily donated £100 worth of goods to add to the collection.
The photos show some of the volunteers along with a representative from Asda and the manager of the project