Our hunger for the Bread of Life


We are now in the 5th week of Lent, “Passiontide” from the Latin word to suffer. Inspired by one of the intercessions in our Morning Prayer today read “Lord, give us a share in the Bread of the Eucharist, fill us with the blessings of your Paschal Sacrifice…Christ Bread of Life, strength us”.

What a heart-rending prayer, arousing in the hearts of our people this hunger for Holy Communion of which they are deprived by this terrible virus. Deeper than the hunger experienced by God’s people as they journeyed through the desert and complained of hunger and thirst, we are now experiencing a hunger for the very heart and source of our Faith, Jesus, the Bread of Life.

Every day at his Holy Mass in the Chapel of Santa Marta, the Pope prays that that hunger may be alleviated at least, by a Spiritual Communion. May the Lord hear our cry, “Give us a share in the Bread of the Eucharist, the Bread of Life….”

Mgr Aldo Angelosanto