Feast of Christ the King, 2016

Press release

The annual mass of Christ the King was celebrated in St Andrew’s Cathedral Dundee, where guests from civic and academic life were present This tradition was inaugurated by the late Bishop Scanlan who invited the Catholic sodalities and the Lord Provost of the day; and it has developed since. This year, local MPs, MSP, local councillors, academic principals and staff …

Advent Retreat for Youth


The Advent Retreat will begin at 4pm on Saturday 3rd December and finish at 2pm on Sunday. Activities will include: reflections on the journey of the Magi, liturgy, time to share Christmas gift ideas, food, a walk to the Law and a movie. We will stay in the Pastoral Centre overnight and participants should be ready to enjoy themselves and …

Lourdes honour for Fr Brian

Press release

Congratulations to Fr Brian McLean (right), Lourdes Pilgrimage Director for Dunkeld diocese, and parish priest at St John Vianney, Alva, on being made a Canon of the Grotto. The announcement, by Bishop Patrick McKinney, came at a meeting of National Conference Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage Directors in Nottingham where he received the Special Medal and Certificate. Fr Brian joins Dunkeld’s Fr …

Anniversary Mass for missing priests

Events, Press release

In October 2012, former chaplain to Wellburn Home, Fr John Pierre Ndulani was kidnapped from his parish house along with Fr Edmond and Fr Anselme. There whereabouts are unknown. Mass was celebrated with the Wellburn Community on Wednesday 26th October, 7pm, to pray for the priests, their family and friends.

Cenacolo visit to UCM in Perth

Lay Associations

The Union of Catholic Mothers at Our Lady of Lourdes, Perth, recently had a visit from members of Cenacolo House in Kendal. The Cenacolo community was founded by an Italian nun called Mother Elvira in 1983. She was concerned about the destruction that addiction to alcohol and drugs can bring in society to a young person’s life, their families and …

Church responds to critics of Safeguarding strategy

Press releases

In a response to a letter sent by the former Chair of the Commission examining Safeguarding Protocols in the Catholic Church, the Assistant General Secretary of the Bishops’ Conference has rejected claims that the recommendations produced by the McLellan Commission are not being implemented. In a letter sent to the Bishops’ Conference by Rev. Andrew McLellan, the former commission chair …