The priests, deacons and people of the Diocese of Dunkeld came together on Monday evening in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee for the annual Diocesan Vocations Mass. A large number of senior pupils from the three Catholic secondary schools within the diocese were present at the Mass celebrated by Bishop Stephen Robson, along with some pupils and teachers from the various …
Welcome Mass for P1 at St Thomas’, Arbroath
Welcome Mass for P1 at St Thomas’, Arbroath
Dunkeld Youth join national pilgrims at Whithorn
(L-R) Frankie McGuire (Diocesan Youth Officer) led the group of young pilgrims who represented Dunkeld and Glasgow: Monika Domagalska (Our Lady of Sorrows Dundee), Lauren Quinn (Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Auchterarder), Lily Smith, St Pius X Dundee, Wiktoria Chorostkowska (St Paul’s HS, Glasgow), Joseph Taylor (St John the Baptist, Perth) and Lucie Kelly (SS Peter & Paul, Dundee). More …
Harry Schnitker – Ordination
Dr Harry Schnitker, St Fillan’s, Crieff, was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate by Bishop Stephen Robson, Bishop of Dunkeld, at Mass in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee, on Sunday 4th September Full set of photos – with options for printing can be found here.
New Council of the Laity for Dunkeld
Bishop Stephen welcomed representatives of lay associations from around the diocese at the launch of a new Council of Laity in Dunkeld. The meeting took place in the St Ninian Pastoral Centre, Dundee, with Fr Jim High, Vicar Episcopal for Lay Associations, Fr Jim McCrudden (parish priest at St Joseph’s, Callendar) and Fr Michael Carrie. The Laity Council will hold …
Dunkeld Teachers’ Mass
Primary and Secondary school teachers from throughout Dunkeld Diocese attended the Annual Mass for Teachers at St Joseph’s Chapel in the St Ninian Pastoral Centre, Dundee on Thursday 1st September. Mass was celebrated by Bishop Stephen Robson, Mgr Ken McCaffrey, Mgr Charles Hendry and Fr Mike Freyne.
Long and Faithful Service in St John’s Perth
Bishop Stephen attended St John’s RC Church in Perth today to present two Benemerenti medals. The awards, to Mary Doogan and Joan Sweeney, are in recognition their service to the parish community, as tea ladies – each of them for 50 years.
Italian Earthquake – prayers
On behalf of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Dunkeld in Scotland, and especially on behalf of the Italian Communities of Perth and Dundee in my Diocese, I would like to express my condolences and solidarity with all the Italian people and especially those most affected on the occasion of the recent devastating earthquake. The prayers of our people and the …
Working in Tanzania with a De La Salle Project
During the month of July, I spent an amazing five weeks in an East African Country, Tanzania in a town called Hagafilo, near Njombe. With the eleven amazing individuals from all around the UK, we quickly became a family and together, a part of the Lasallian Developing World Project. LDWP is a charity which sends groups of young people to …