Day for Religious

Press releases

Representative from the Religious Societies from throughout Dunkeld Diocese gathered for a Day of Reflection at the St Ninian Pastoral Centre in Dundee. Members of the Diocesan Curia with Mgr Aldo Angelosanto (Vicar General) join the Religious societies for lunch.

New Chaplaincy appointments

Press releases

Bishop Stepen Robson recently appointed a new Chaplain to look after Catholic students at Dundee’s two universities. Father Michael Carrie takes over from Canon Kevin Golden as Catholic Chaplain to Dundee and Abertay Universities in the city. Fr Michael said, “I look forward to working alongside the other chaplains to the university. The spiritual and pastoral care of our young …

Study day for permanent diaconate students

Events, Vocations

Members attending a recent study day at the St Ninian Institute, Dundee, followed an intensive programme led by Dr Birute Brigitte, lecturer in Catechetics at the Maryvale Institute in Birmingham. Fr Tom Shields Tom addressed ‘Christology and Ecclesiology’ for students in the first year. Fr Gerald Sharkey gave lecture of Patrology and Trinity for students of Year III. Deacon Stephen …

Second collections in 2016


Sunday 10th January Baptism of Jesus Justice and Peace Sunday 24th January Third Sunday of the Year African Missions Sunday 7th February Fifth Sunday of the Year Catholic Education Service Sunday 14th February First Sunday in Lent Sick and Retired Priests Sunday 13th March Fifth Sunday in Lent Papal and Episcopal Charities Good Friday Holy Places Sunday 8th May Seventh …