St Margaret’s Pilgrimage, Dunfermline

Press releases

Archbishop Leo Cushley was joined by St Margaret of Scotland (1070–1093) to unveil the poster being sent to every Catholic parish in the country to advertise this year’s St Margaret’s Summer Pilgrimage in Dunfermline on Sunday 12 June. “The summer pilgrimage in honour of St Margaret should be a fantastic family day – that’s why we want to extend the …

St Ninian’s Primary marks 50 years

Parish News

St Ninian’s Primary School, Menzieshill, Dundee celebrated its Diamond Jubilee. Present staff were joined by staff from previous years along with pupils and ex pupils to celebrate with Mass which was led by Bishop Stephen Robson. Monsignors Ken McBride, Ken McCaffrey, and Charles Hendry also attended the wonderful celebration.

Holy Doors Challenge

Press releases, Youth

11 Students at the School of Education at the University of Glasgow recently took time away from their exam preparation to heed Pope Francis’ call to undertake a pilgrimage to a Holy Door. Not content with one door, they visited all 8 Scottish cathedral Holy Doors in under 24 hours, on Friday 16th and Saturday 17th April. Accompanied by staff …

St Fergus Primary gets a visit from the Bishop

Press releases

Bishop Stephen Robson visited St Fergus P.S. School in Dundee recently where he celebrated Mass along with school chaplain Father Neil Gallagher. Bishop Stephen also visited the classes in the afternoon where he took time to talk to pupils and staff teachers.

Canon Sreenan RIP

Press releases

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Canon Hugh Sreenan, retired priest of the diocese, who has died. Canon Sreenan who was 83, had been a priest for almost 54 years. He studied for the priesthood in St. Mary’s Colege, Blairs, Seminaire St Sulpice, Paris; Royal Scots College, Valladolid and St Andrew’s College Drygrange. He was ordained …

New Vocations site for Dunkeld

Press releases, Vocations

Fr Michael Carrie, chaplain at Dundee University and the University of Abertay, is a member of Dunkeld Diocese’s Vocations Team. On Good Shepherd Sunday 2016, a Day of Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood, Fr Michael launches a new-look Vocations website filled with the latest news about our student priests already studying in the seminaries, and those who are considering …

Mass of Chrism

Press releases

On Wednesday evening of Holy Week, Bishop Stephen Robson, Bishop of Dunkeld, celebrated the Mass of Chrism at St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee. During the Holy Mass, the Bishop Stephen blessed the sacred oils (Chrism, the oil of catechumens, and the oil of the sick), which will be used during the Easter Vigil, and in liturgical celebrations throughout the year. In …

Jubilee for Catechists

Press releases

Bishop Stephen celebrated Mass in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee, to mark the Jubilee for Catechists, RCIA, Parents, Catholic Teachers and all who pass the faith children.