Scotland’s Catholic Bishops urge Scottish Government to reject ‘expert’ report

Press release

Responding to the publication of the Scottish Government’s ‘expert’ advisory group on “Ending Conversion Practices”, Scotland’s Catholic Bishops have issued the following statement: The Church is pastorally sensitive to the experience of people who identify as homosexual. They are to be met with compassion and particular care and support in the challenges that come with all that life brings them. …

An Invitation to The Letter


The Letter, released in October 2022, is a powerful, thought-provoking documentary, exploring more about the principles of ‘Laudato Si’, the second encyclical of Pope Francis. Laudato Si has the subtitle “on care for our common home”. In it, the pope critiques consumerism and irresponsible development, laments environmental degradation and global warming, and calls all people of the world to take …

Memorial Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Press releases

The 11am Solemn Mass in St Andrew’s Cathedral this coming Sunday 8 January 2023 will be offered especially for our Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI RIP.   While not a Requiem Mass as such, it being the Sunday of the Epiphany of the Lord, and the Prayers and Scriptures being of the Solemnity, it shall nevertheless be a Memorial Mass for …

Canon Kevin Golden is elected as Diocesan Administrator

Press releases

On 2nd January 2023, in accordance with the canons of the Code of Canon Law 1983) relating to the provision of a diocesan Administrator, the College of Consultors of the Diocese of Dunkeld gathered at the Diocesan Curial Offices for the process of the Election of a Diocesan Administrator. The Very Rev Canon Kevin James Golden MPS, currently Parish priest of …

Pope Benedict XVI dies aged 95

Press release

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who was Pope from April 2005 to February 2013, died earlier today aged 95. He was the second pope in history to visit the UK in 2010. The 2010 Visit began in Edinburgh on 16 September 2010 he became the first pontiff to visit Scotland in 28 years. He was given a specially designed Papal tartan scarf which he wore on a day of many memorable moments which started …

Bishop Stephen Robson resigns

Pastoral Letter

TO ALL PRIESTS, DEACONS, RELIGIOUS AND PEOPLE OF THE DIOCESE OF DUNKELD28th December 2022                    Feast of the Holy Innocents Dear brothers and sisters,Very recently I received from Archbishop Gugerotti, the Papal Nuncio, a letter from Pope Francis stating that he had accepted my resignation as Bishop of Dunkeld under Canon 401, para 2, on grounds of failing health.  In his own covering letter, the Nuncio …

Fiona McLagan – Papal Medal for services to Catholic Education

Papal Medal

Bishop Stephen Robson presents the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice to Mrs Fiona McLagan, retired headteacher at St John’s High School, Dundee. Fiona and Bishop Stephen are joined here by Fiona’s husband, Ian, daughter Rachel, son Daniel and her mum Sheila. Fiona qualified as a Teacher of Physical Education in 1979, graduating with a Batchelor of Education in Physical Education from …