Urgent Appeal – Africa Hunger Crisis


On the nine-hour drive to visit SCIAF’s projects in Mongu, Zambia, I saw field after field of dried maize. Crisp, yellow, dead. No rain on the horizon. I met Kashueka, a single mother with four children, who was standing near her family’s field which was full of dead maize. She told me: “Really, we’ve had no food over the past year.”Kashueka …

A Retreat for Summer


A new retreat package for summer 2024, including reflections to listen to and other material to read and linger with, suitable to use at home or away, on retreat or in daily reflections. I Lift My Eyes: Seeking God in the natural world Cost £30 (includes printed booklet) – available now until 30th September Being in nature is a source …

Sea Sunday to be marked in churches across Dunkeld

Press releases

On Sea Sunday let us remember seafarers facing conflict, abandonment and tough times “Some of the seafarers I meet have travelled through the conflict area of the Red Sea, with its risks of attacks from Houthis, then have sailed on to the Black Sea with its own dangers, given there is no agreement on maritime safety,” says Stella Maris’ Odesa …

Fr Bogdan Palka SDS (1963-2024)

Obituary, Press releases

Official biography of the Fr Bogdan Palka SDS (1963-2024) Bogdan Pałka was born on November 1, 1963 in Krzeszowice, located between Trzebinia and Krakow. Together with his younger siblings, sister and brother, he was raised in the home of Adam and Marianna, née Piechowicz. On November 24, 1963, Bogdan’s parents brought him to the church of the Visitation of the …

Episcopal Ordination on 10th August 2024.

Press releases

Preparations are underway for the Episcopal Ordination of Canon Andrew McKenzie, Dunkeld’s new bishop. Mass will be celebrated in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee, at 11am on Saturday 10th August – led by His Excellency , The Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Miguel Maury Buendía, and H.E. Archbishop Leo Cushley and the Bishops of Scotland.In addition to the priests of our own diocese, …

Perth knitters together for the seafarers

Press releases

Seafarers across the world are benefitting from Perth’s long-standing shawl ministry. The ecumenical knitting group, which meets in St Leonard’s church hall in Perth, provided 150 hats and neck warmers to ensure seafarers are wrapped up well for all manner of weathers. Doug Duncan, who is Port Chaplain in the north east of Scotland to seafaring charity Stella Maris, welcomed the …

Flowers and prayers at the Sisters graves at Wellburn


Mother Provincial of the Little Sisters of the Poor, Mother Anthony Francis came to pay her respects to the Little Sisters who are buried at Wellburn. Mother Anthony Francis is from Denny in Stirlingshire but had never been to Wellburn as she had spent 40 years in France before she was appointed Mother Provincial around 4 years ago to look …

Mgr O’Sullivan’s 68th ordination anniversary

Press releases

Monsignor Basil O’Sullivan, parish priest at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Auchterarder, will celebrate 68 years since his ordination as a priest on 17th June. As the Parish Priest in Dunblane from 1988 until 2021, he was he one of the first to arrive at Dunblane Primary School following the terrible attack on pupils and staff on 13th March 1996. …