A Time to Build and a Time to Mend Safeguarding News


Bishop Joseph Toal reports on the major changes that are being planned for how the Catholic Church in Scotland will continue to support and regulate safeguarding in the Church. I am very pleased to be able to report on the progress that has been made in our efforts to keep the young and the vulnerable safe. IN GOD’S IMAGE – the document …

The Glorious Mysteries – from a Parish Rosary

Press releases, Streaming

Originally planned as a Parish ‘Zoom’ Rosary – St John the Baptist parish, Perth, chose to livestream this service in order to reach the widest number of people. The livestream is now available ‘on demand’. Canon Mulholland said, “Thanks to all who have joined us for our first venture ‘online’ – reaching out to our parishioners and their families in …

Fr Jim’s 290 mile pilgrimage to help Calais refugee workers

Press releases

Fr Jim Walls, Spiritual Director at Scots College, Rome, plans to walk  from Iona to Lindisfarne this summer in solidarity with all those vulnerable people who flee their homes and are treated abysmally in Europe and the UK whilst seeking sanctuary. Linking the spiritual hearts of the missions of St Columba and St Cuthbert, Fr Jim’s pilgrimage will take 20 …

Residential summer course invitation for teachers and catechists at Stoneyhurst


A residential summer course exploring the relationship of faith with philosophy, science and culture. Particularly helpful for catechists and teachers fielding commonly-asked questions around Catholicism, besides anyone wanting to deepen their understanding of the Faith. Runs 5th – 8th August. www.christianheritagecentre.com/events/faith-and-reason/

God saw all that he had made and indeed it was very good

Press releases

Pastoral Letter from the Bishops of Scotland on the Sixth Anniversary of Laudato Si’ Pentecost 2021  God saw all that he had made and indeed it was very good. [1] God’s creation is a great gift to all humanity, and humanity itself is an integral part of that creation. We are blessed by having the earth for our common home. It …