Day for Readers in Dundee


Readers from parishes across the diocese gathered at St John’s High School, Dundee, to listen to Canon Kevin Golden as he led a day of prayer and reflection on reading the Word of God at Mass. PHOTOGRAPHY courtesy – Eddie Mahoney

‘Rosary under the Cross’ for a purification within the Church

Our Lady, Prayer

On the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary, 7th October, Bishop John Keenan has invited people to pray in Parish churches or in other chosen venues at 3pm. They are asked to pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary in Penance & Reparation for the sins committed within the Church and the nation against innocence and purity. ‘Rosary under the …

Dundee CATSOC welcomes new members


The society meets every Monday evening in the hall underneath St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee. Beginning with Mass in our Lady Chapel at 7.15pm, the meetings consist of either a talk by a guest speaker, a bible session, adoration or a social. University chaplain, Fr Gregory Murphy said, “tonight’s speaker was Elaine McGinlay, Schools and Education Officer at SCIAF, who gave …

Holy Hour for Religious Communities in our diocese

Religious Communities

Fr Ronald McAinsh CSsR reports, “At the June meeting of the Religious of the diocese, we responded to the invitation of Bishop Robson to see what we as Religious can do for ongoing evangelisation in the diocese.” “Five religious congregations were represented, and it immediately became clear that an immerse variety of ministries and apsotolates were already being carried out. …

40 year Catenian Award for John Cairns

Catenian Association

At a meeting in the Queens Hotel, Perth, John Cairns was presented with a parchment in recognition of his 40 year membership of the Catenian Association. John, a retired deputy headteacher at Dundee’s Lawside Academy, joined the association in 1978. The Catenians are an international body of proudly Catholic laymen who support each other in their faith and socially, as …

Vocations Mass

Press release

Fr Andrew Marshall was the preacher at Dunkeld’s Annual Diocesan Vocations Mass, held at St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee on Thursday 13th September 2018. Newly ordained, Fr Andrew addressed a congregation of Religious Sisters, representatives drawn from parishes across the diocese and staff and pupils from St Paul’s Academy, Dundee, St John’s High School, Dundee and St John’s Academy, Perth.