Catechism gift for P7 at S Bride’s

Press releases

Recently the catechism classes from St Bride’s Monifieth held their end of term Mass. During the Mass the departing P7 pupils were presented with a copy of YouCat prayer book. They are pictured with Fr Michael Carrie, and class teachers Mr George Haggarty and Angela Galbraith.

Justice and Peace Campaign Video

Mission work, Press releases

Dunkeld’s Director of Mission Awareness, Fr Mike Freyne MHM, received this news from Francis Gallagher at Justice and Peace (Scotland): “Vatican News have shared our latest campaign video! They have 3.1 million followers on their Facebook page.  You can see their Facebook post here. Vatican News said that they were happy to share it as it shows a nice response.”

Education Mass

Press releases

The Annual School’s Mass at St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee, was hosted this year by pupils from St Andrew’s RC Primary School, Dundee. Photos courtesy of Andrew Mitchell Photos courtesy of Eddie Mahoney

First Communions at Arbroath and Monifieth

Press releases

Trinity Sunday saw the celebration of First Holy Communion for children from St Bride’s, Monifieth and St Thomas’, Arbroath. Fr Michael Carrie, reminded the boys and girls, that it was important to remember that the best gift that they would receive that day, was the gift of Jesus, in Holy Communion. Photos by Eddie Mahoney

Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Press releases

Dear Secretary of State, As you are aware, the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons opened for signature at the UN on 20 September 2017. Once ratified, this treaty will make the possession use and threat of use of nuclear weapons illegal under international law. We believe in the dignity and right to life of every human being and …

Bishop Schneider visits Dundee

Press releases

Bishop Schneider, currently Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Astana Kazakhstan, visited the Archdiocese of Glasgow and Dunkeld Diocese to celebrate Mass for the Latin Mass community. He celebrated Mass in the Diocese on Wednesday, 23rd May, 2018 in the evening. Prior to the Mass he gave a spiritual conference. Photos by Eddie Mahoney