PVG certificates have to be updated every 4 years and a drop-in session has been arranged at the Diocesan Centre on Monday 23rd October 2017 from 10am to 2pm. This is not a training session, simply an opportunity to update PVG certification. Those who hold PVG certificates are asked to bring along a completed form and provide certain identity documents: …
SPUC Dundee – Silent Vigil
On Thursday 26th October, from 6-8pm, the Dundee Branch of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children are holding their 14th Annual Vigil in Dundee City Square. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of Abortion Act (1967). If you are able to show your support, even for just a part of the 2 hours, please go …
Mass for the Opening of St Francis PS, Dundee
Bishop Steven is assisted by Mgr Ken McCaffrey, (left) and Fr Tom Shields (Vicar Episcopal for Education) at Mass in Our Lady of Sorrows, Fintry, celebrating the Opening of St Francis Primary School, Dundee on Wednesday 4th October. Head teacher Mr Neil Loudon, welcome Bishop Stephen and representatives of Dundee City Council. “On behalf of the new community of St …
5th Anniversary Mass – Fr Jean Pierre
On the 19th October 2012 the former chaplain to Wellburn Home, Fr Jean Pierre was kidnapped from his parish house along with Fr Edmond and Fr Anselme. Their whereabouts is still unknown. You are invited to join us for Mass to pray for them, their family, friends and their fellow religious brothers and sisters on Thursday 19th October, at 7pm, …
Dunkeld celebrates Final Profession
Bishop Stephen celebrates Mass in Thanksgiving for Sister Maria Kosisochukwu’s final professions which took place in Nigeria earlier this month. The Mass was celebrated in St Joseph’s Chapel, at the convent where the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary serve the diocese. Sisters from the Missionaries of Charity join in the occasion with representatives of parishes from throughout the …
Vocations Mass
The priests and people of the Diocese of Dunkeld gathered in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee, on the feast of St Matthew to celebrate the annual Vocations Mass. A large number of senior pupils from the three Catholic secondary schools in the diocese were also present. Bishop Stephen Robson was the principal celebrant, and Diocesan Director of Priestly Vocations, Fr Michael …
Diocesan 6th Year Conference
Kilgraston School hosted the Diocese of Dunkeld Annual Conference for Catholic Secondary Schools. Four of the Diocesan Catholic schools participated. These were St John’s High School Dundee, St Paul’s High, Dundee and St John’s Academy, Perth. Over 200 pupils, a large number of teaching staff, six priests and two bishops came together as a community to discuss the fundamental issues …
Dundee delegates attend SPUC’s 50th anniversary conference
After 50 years of legal abortion, Professor tells conference that society holds conflicting attitudes on the value of life Professor John Wyatt, Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics this weekend (15-17 September) wowed delegates at the SPUC National Conference with his insights on human life, gained from his long career of caring for premature and desperately sick babies. Professor Wyatt gave …
Fatima Statue visits Dundee
Following the Consecration of Scotland to Our Lady – Bishop Stephen celebrated Mass at St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee. In this centennial year of the apparitions at Fatima, the bishops of Scotland had organised that a statue our Our Lady of Fatima, bought and blest in Fatima, would be taken to every Cathedral in the country.