New school for St Thomas RC Primary, Arbroath

Press releases

Shared Campus Proposal: Angus Council are proposing a shared school campus in Arbroath, to develop a building where Hayshead Primary School, St Thomas RC Primary School and an Early Years facility could be collocated. The individual school identities will remain. Both schools would have their own Head Teacher, staff group, parent council and budgets. The development would be on the …

Church’s call to politicians on Pro-Life

Press release

A new poll out today (Sunday 21 May) shows that most people (60%) would like to see time limits for abortions reduced, among women the figure is 70%. ComRes interviewed 2,008 British adults online between 12th and 14th May 2017. Data was weighted to be representative of all GB adults. 61% of Scottish respondents opposed any moves towards making it …

St John Paul II Prayer Movement – Divine Mercy Retreat Weekend

Press releases

The St John Paul II Prayer Movement hosted their first Divine Mercy Retreat Weekend, in the beautiful surroundings of St. Mary’s, Kinnoull, for the Feast of Divine Mercy, over 21st – 23rd April. It proved to be a great success, with 30 residential guests and 20 day visitors over the weekend consisting of prayer group members throughout the Diocese of …

Presidential Medal for Kevin

Press release

Kevin Veal has been appointed President of the Scottish Federation of Organists. Outgoing president, Mrs Brigitte Harris, Director of Music at St Andrew’s and St George’s West Church, Edinburgh, presented Kevin with his medal of office at the conclusion of the SFO 2017 Conference, held at Abbotsford House, Melrose and at Melrose Parish Church at the start of May. Kevin …

General Election 2017: A letter from the Bishops of Scotland

Press releases

This General Election presents us with an opportunity to reflect on Catholic social teaching. As Christians, we have a civic and moral duty to engage with our democracy. As Catholics, we believe that the primary goal of society should be the common good; that is the good of all people and of the whole person. Indeed, the common good is …

Mother Teresa Sisters coming to Dundee to tackle severe poverty

Press release

A new convent of the Missionaries of Charity, known as the Mother Teresa Nuns, is to open in Dundee—the third in Scotland. Four sisters from the order’s convent in Birmingham will arrive in Dundee on Friday May 12. Dunkeld diocesan chancellor Malcolm Veal said it was ‘wonderful news’ and the city would be blessed by their presence. The congregation was …

Education Appointments

Press release

In the place of Mgr Ken McCaffrey and Mr Bill Simpson, who are retiring after giving long and valuable service as Church Representatives on their local education committees, Bishop Stephen has nominated two new Catholic Church Representatives to the Dundee Council’s and to the Angus Council’s Children and Learning Committees. Mrs Moira Leck, former headteacher of Lawside Academy and St …