Pastoral Letter – Education Week 2023

Pastoral Letter, Press releases

My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,  We are the most fortunate of people because we have faith in Jesus Christ.  I constantly meet people who tell me that at times of crisis, of difficulty, of darkness, it was their faith that gave them an inner strength and enabled them to survive and come through to the other side.  This …

Bishop Stephen Robson resigns

Pastoral Letter

TO ALL PRIESTS, DEACONS, RELIGIOUS AND PEOPLE OF THE DIOCESE OF DUNKELD28th December 2022                    Feast of the Holy Innocents Dear brothers and sisters,Very recently I received from Archbishop Gugerotti, the Papal Nuncio, a letter from Pope Francis stating that he had accepted my resignation as Bishop of Dunkeld under Canon 401, para 2, on grounds of failing health.  In his own covering letter, the Nuncio …

World Day of Prayer for Peace

Pastoral Letter

Every year we begin the new year by praying for justice and for peace. And each year it seems that justice and peace are beyond our grasp, yet ever more necessary than the year before. As we look around us, we see a world where justice and peace are an elusive dream for so many but not a reality. Looking at …


Pastoral Letter

REPENT AND BELIEVE IN THE GOSPEL! A few weeks ago, on the first Sunday in Ordinary Time, following as we are this Liturgical Year the gospel of Saint Mark, we heard the story of the Baptism of Jesus. Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan by John, and when he came up out of the water, immediately he saw the …

A Letter of Hope

Pastoral Letter

Dear Brothers and Sisters, As Christmas approaches, we, the Bishops of Scotland, wish to share with you some reflections on our present situation and offer reasons for hope, as we live through these difficult times. Firstly, we affirm the centrality of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father who became incarnate of the Holy Spirit and was born …

Catholic Education Week – 2020

Education, Pastoral Letter, Press release

Jesus Christ: the Way, the Truth and the Life Catholic Education Week 16th-30th November 2020 My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Each year around this time, we celebrate Catholic Education Week.  During this week we: celebrate the God-given talents and achievements of our young people; acknowledge the hard work and faith witness of the staff in our schools; mark …