Bishop Stephen Robson was assisted by Fr Gregory Murphy, Chaplain to Dundee and Abertay University, at Mass on the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, King and Redeemer, in St Andrew’s Cathedral, on Sunday 25th November 2018. The Mass was attended, as is tradition, by representatives of ‘Town and Gown’; civic and academic representatives from Holyrood and Westminster, local government …
Michelin plant closure
Bishop Stephen Robson, Bishop of Dunkeld, has offered his support and prayers to all those affected by the Michelin plant closure in Dundee. Commenting on the company’s announcement of its intentions to close the plant, he said: “I am dismayed to hear that the Michelin plant which has been such a significant employer in Dundee for over 26 years and …
Vocations Mass
Fr Andrew Marshall was the preacher at Dunkeld’s Annual Diocesan Vocations Mass, held at St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee on Thursday 13th September 2018. Newly ordained, Fr Andrew addressed a congregation of Religious Sisters, representatives drawn from parishes across the diocese and staff and pupils from St Paul’s Academy, Dundee, St John’s High School, Dundee and St John’s Academy, Perth.
Ordination of Fr Andrew Marshall
Fr Andrew Marshall was ordained by Bishop Stephen Robson, on Thursday 29th June 2018, in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee. Please click once on an individual photo to start a slideshow. PHOTOGRAPHS – Courtesy – Andrew Mitchell. A larger gallery, with higher resolution and printing options, can be found – here Thanksgiving Mass – in St Andrew’s Cathedral on Saturday 31st …
Youth Retreat
The Youth Lent Retreat was postponed due to the adverse weather conditions at the time. We rescheduled it for Saturday, 24th March. The theme was ‘Called to Serve’’ and it was a time to reflect on the mission of our Lord Jesus Christ and how we are called to share in it. He says to us “the Son of Man …
Dunkeld priest appointed to Scots College, Rome
Fr James Walls, currently parish priest of St Pius X parish in Dundee, has been appointed by the Scottish Bishops’ Conference as Spiritual Director of the Pontifical Scots College in Rome. Commenting on the appointment, Bishop Stephen said, “I am absolutely delighted that the Bishops have decided to appoint Father James Walls as spiritual director to the Pontifical Scots College …
Ongoing persecution of traditional religion
The abusive criticism aimed at politicians like Elaine Smith and Tim Farron might be enough to put Christians off political office for good, warns Anthony Horan, Director of the Scottish Catholic Parliamentary Office in today’s Scotsman newspaper. This follows recent derision of Elaine Smith’s appointment as shadow cabinet secretary for the eradication of poverty and inequality, which some have claimed …
Special Collections in 2018
Justice & Peace 7th January:-The Epiphany of the Lord The African Missions 28th January:- 4th Sunday of the Year Catholic Education Service 11th February:- 6th Sunday of the Year The Sick & Retired Priests Fund 18th February:- 1st Sunday of Lent Papal & Episcopal Charities (including SCIAF) 11th March:- 4th Sunday of Lent Holy Places 30th March:- Good Friday SCIAF …
Town and Gown – Christ the King Mass
The Diocese of Dunkeld held their Annual Civic and Academic Mass in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee, on the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ King. The Mass was concelebrated by Bishop Stephen Robson with Fr Gregory Murphy, universities chaplain, and Fr Paul Capaldi. Representatives of the Scottish and Westminster Parliaments were joined by the Provosts of Dundee, Angus, Perth and …