Welcome Evening Our annual Welcome Evening was a great success this year. Fr Andrew Kingham led a beautiful Mass for over 300 guests made up of S1 pupils and their families. The theme of new beginnings, represented by the light of Christ, permeated the celebration. After Mass we had a social gathering as a community. Overall it was a wonderful …
Bishops ask for renewed talks on Abortion
Scotland’s Catholic Bishops have today (Friday 17 November) published a letter sent to the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, urging her to engage in renewed discussions and dialogue on the issue of abortion. Their letter, which is copied to Shona Robison, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport and Aileen Campbell, Minister for Public Health and Sport, follows the recent fiftieth anniversary …
Kilgraston visit to Greece
The annual Bluett Tour with 29 girls and five adults set off for Athens on 6 October for a week packed with culture, sun and delicious Greek food. Highlights included the temple of Athena on the Acropolis, the temple of Poseidon at Sounion, the five thousand seat theatre at Epidaurus, the original Olympic village, and the seat of the Pythian …
Safeguarding Certificates
PVG certificates have to be updated every 4 years and a drop-in session has been arranged at the Diocesan Centre on Monday 23rd October 2017 from 10am to 2pm. This is not a training session, simply an opportunity to update PVG certification. Those who hold PVG certificates are asked to bring along a completed form and provide certain identity documents: …
Dunkeld celebrates Final Profession
Bishop Stephen celebrates Mass in Thanksgiving for Sister Maria Kosisochukwu’s final professions which took place in Nigeria earlier this month. The Mass was celebrated in St Joseph’s Chapel, at the convent where the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary serve the diocese. Sisters from the Missionaries of Charity join in the occasion with representatives of parishes from throughout the …
Diocesan 6th Year Conference
Kilgraston School hosted the Diocese of Dunkeld Annual Conference for Catholic Secondary Schools. Four of the Diocesan Catholic schools participated. These were St John’s High School Dundee, St Paul’s High, Dundee and St John’s Academy, Perth. Over 200 pupils, a large number of teaching staff, six priests and two bishops came together as a community to discuss the fundamental issues …
Fatima Statue visits Dundee
Following the Consecration of Scotland to Our Lady – Bishop Stephen celebrated Mass at St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee. In this centennial year of the apparitions at Fatima, the bishops of Scotland had organised that a statue our Our Lady of Fatima, bought and blest in Fatima, would be taken to every Cathedral in the country.
Papal Award for Church Journalist, teacher and youth worker
Bishop Stephen Robson, Bishop of Dunkeld, presented the ‘Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice’ Medal to Mr Andrew Mitchell at the end of Mass in St John the Baptist’s RC Church, Perth, on Sunday 6th August. The Papal Medal, also known as the ‘Cross of Honour’, is the highest that can be awarded by the Pope to a lay person for distinguished …
Scottish Catholic Heritage Collection – new curator
The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland has announced the appointment of Dr Alison Burke as Curator of the Scottish Catholic Heritage Collection at Blairs Museum. Dr Burke was previously Creative Project Co-ordinator with Aberdeen City Council where she started in 2017 to build creative networks in Education in Aberdeen, working with arts based projects in the city’s schools. She has also …