Holy Week Services in Dunkeld Diocese – 2017 here.
Traditional Nigerian Songs for Catenian Christmas Dinner
Members of Dundee and Perth Circle of the Catenian Association were joined by Brother John McLean (Provincial President) (2nd from right) and Brother Eddie O’Donnell (Director Province 22) (left) at their Christmas meal in Perth together with the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary who delighted the Circle a programme of Advent and Christmas music in their own Igbo …
Feast of Christ the King, 2016
The annual mass of Christ the King was celebrated in St Andrew’s Cathedral Dundee, where guests from civic and academic life were present This tradition was inaugurated by the late Bishop Scanlan who invited the Catholic sodalities and the Lord Provost of the day; and it has developed since. This year, local MPs, MSP, local councillors, academic principals and staff …
Lourdes honour for Fr Brian
Congratulations to Fr Brian McLean (right), Lourdes Pilgrimage Director for Dunkeld diocese, and parish priest at St John Vianney, Alva, on being made a Canon of the Grotto. The announcement, by Bishop Patrick McKinney, came at a meeting of National Conference Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage Directors in Nottingham where he received the Special Medal and Certificate. Fr Brian joins Dunkeld’s Fr …
Anniversary Mass for missing priests
In October 2012, former chaplain to Wellburn Home, Fr John Pierre Ndulani was kidnapped from his parish house along with Fr Edmond and Fr Anselme. There whereabouts are unknown. Mass was celebrated with the Wellburn Community on Wednesday 26th October, 7pm, to pray for the priests, their family and friends.
Pro-Life Vigil on anniversary of Abortion Act
12,082 abortions were preformed in Scotland last year — 11,877 on social grounds. SPUC DUNDEE are holding their 13th consecutive SILENT VIGIL, commemorating the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act on Thursday 27th October in the City Square from 6pm-8pm. Please come along to witness to, and pray for, the babies lost to abortion and for the mothers and medical …
Jubilee for the Sick and Elderly
A Jubilee Mass for the Sick and Elderly was celebrated in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee, today and in parishes throughout the diocese.
A Night with The Cecilian Choir in Blairgowrie
It was absolutely an amazing night in the Blairgowrie Town Hall on Monday 26th of September when over 300 people were entertained by the Cecilian Choir. The choir is no stranger to Blairgowrie, indeed, when it was first formed over 50 years ago, Blairgowrie was chosen for its second ever concert. They were invited again to Blairgowrie by St Stephen’s …
Annual Vocations Mass
The priests, deacons and people of the Diocese of Dunkeld came together on Monday evening in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee for the annual Diocesan Vocations Mass. A large number of senior pupils from the three Catholic secondary schools within the diocese were present at the Mass celebrated by Bishop Stephen Robson, along with some pupils and teachers from the various …