In a “Pastoral Letter to the Catholics of Scotland” issued this weekend 27/28 November, Scotland’s Catholic bishops have announced that with effect from Sunday 2 January 2022 the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holydays of obligation will be reinstated. Th letter is read here by Mgr Patrick McInally. The requirement was dispensed at the beginning of the pandemic …
Pope’s message to Scotland’s Catholics at the end of COP 26
As the COP26 Climate Conference draws to a close in Glasgow, Scotland, the Holy See’s delegation at the summit expresses its appreciation for the commitments states have made in the battle against climate change. However, the delegation also reiterates the need for agreement on a clear roadmap to fill gaps that have emerged.…
Annual Mass for the Deceased Bishops, Priests and Deacons of Dunkeld Diocese
Priests from across the diocese gathered to celebrate Mass with Bishop Stephen Robson at 12 noon on Thursday 11th November, 2021. The occasion was the Annual Mass for the Deceased Bishops, Priests and Deacons of Dunkeld Diocese. In his opening prayers, Bishop Stephen named his predecessor, Bishop Vincent Logan, who died earlier this year, and Fr Jim McCruden, Fr Tony …
COP26 Delegates Mass
Live online – from St Aloysius Church, Garnethill, Glasgow – 7pm, on Sunday 7th November.
Bishop announces the start of Synod
Pope Francis has called the Church to ‘encounter, listen and discern’ as its clerics and lay people walk the ‘common road’ in the coming Synod. At today’s 11am Mass, Sunday 17th October, Bishop Stephen explained what this means in our diocese. In his homily Bishop Stephen said: “James, and John the brothers, sons of Zebedee were chosen according to St …
Mass of Chrism
On 14 September, Bishop Stephen celebrated the postponed Chrism Mass, at St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee. It was a celebration of the priesthood in unusual times. The Chrism Mass is the occasion on which the bishop blesses the holy oils, and when the priests renew their promises of ordination to serve God and his people. There are three oils that are …
Church voices opposition to arms trade
Catholic Bishops and organisations have voiced their opposition to the arms trade, as the UK prepares to host one of the world’s largest arms fairs next week. The Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair takes place in London 14-17 September, bringing together governments and military delegations from across the world with more than 1,500 companies selling guns, bombs, and other weaponry. A statement signed by Catholic Bishops …
Scottish Bishops respond to Pope’s initiative for a Synodial Church
Scotland’s Catholic Bishops have welcomed a call from Pope Francis for a Synod on the theme of Synodality, to be held in 2023. Commenting on the announcement, Bishop Hugh Gilbert, President of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland said; “Last Sunday the Church celebrated the Feast of Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and our Lady at the …
St Andrew’s Children’s Society – Foster Care Fortnight
10th-23rd May 2021 There are many children across Scotland who need stable, loving families to care for them because their birth families are not able to provide the nurturing or safe environment that would allow them to flourish and become confident and well balanced adults. Could you provide the stability and love these children deserve? Would you like to hear …