You will be like a spring whose waters never run dry The Lord says this: If you do away with the yoke, the clenched fist, the wicked word, if you give your bread to the hungry, and relief to the oppressed, your light will rise in the darkness, and your shadows become like noon. The Lord will always guide you, …
Clergy changes – Lent 2021
Following the death of Mgr John Harty, Bishop Stephen Robson has announced the following clergy changes: Father Michael Carrie currently Parish Priest of Our Lady of Victories, Hilltown, and St Patrick’s, Stobswell, to St Mungo’s, Alloa as PP, as from 5th Sunday of Lent, 21st March, 2021 in time for Easter. Father Ninian Doohan, currently Parish Priest of St Pius X, Douglas and coordinating …
Church leaders urge withdrawal of controversial section of Hate Crime Bill to allow “adequate consideration”
An unprecedented alliance of Catholic and Evangelical church leaders are urging the Scottish Government to drop part of its proposed Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill to allow time for “detailed consideration of crucial provisions.” The Bill, which would potentially criminalise any criticism of Transgender ideology has been criticised by the Catholic Church, the Free Church of Scotland and the Evangelical …
RENEW International Mourns the Passing of Co-founder Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler
Monsignor Thomas A. Kleissler, who launched a parish-renewal program that turned into an international movement, died on Tuesday February 2, at St. Catherine Healthcare Center, Caldwell, N.J. He was 89. Father Tom, as he preferred to be known, co-founded RENEW International, which has been serving Catholic parishes for more than 40 years with processes that help the laity, meeting in …
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
A beautiful day in the Church’s calendar, signalling the end of the Christmas cycle and looking forward to the light that will shatter all darkness at the Easter Vigil…
Bishop Vincent Logan – a picture tribute
Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord: Lord hear my voice! Let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my pleading. If Thou, O Lord, should mark our guilt, Lord, who would survive? But with you is found forgiveness: for this we revere you. My soul is waiting for the Lord, I count on his …
Mgr John Harty – funeral
The Vigil and Reception of Remains of Mgr John Harty was held in St Mungo’s Church, Alloa at 6pm, on Wednesday, 27th January, 2021. Due to the Covid virus restrictions the number of participants at all ceremonies were restricted to 20. Priority was given to Mgr Harty’s family, parishioners and invited priests from the Deanery, together with his closest friends in …
Dunkeld mourns the death of Bishop Vincent Logan
MY DEAR PEOPLE It is with deep regret that I must share with you the sad news that Bishop Vincent, Emeritus Bishop of this Diocese, has died. Bishop Vincent was 79. Vincent Logan was Bishop of the diocese of Dunkeld for almost 32 years before his retirement on June 30th, 2012. He was appointed to Dunkeld by St John Paul …
Bishops statement on the closure of churches in Scotland
Recognising the dangers posed by the new faster-spreading variant of COVID-19, we note the Scottish Government’s decision to close all places of worship from Friday 8 January 2021.* The Scottish Government believes that such measures are necessary to curtail the spread of this new strain during the roll-out of the vaccine. We appreciate the difficult choices facing the Scottish Government at …