Flowers and prayers at the Sisters graves at Wellburn


Mother Provincial of the Little Sisters of the Poor, Mother Anthony Francis came to pay her respects to the Little Sisters who are buried at Wellburn. Mother Anthony Francis is from Denny in Stirlingshire but had never been to Wellburn as she had spent 40 years in France before she was appointed Mother Provincial around 4 years ago to look after the 11 homes in Scotland, England and Ireland.

Accompanied by Mother Marie Claire she was joined by several Dundee Associates of Jeanne Jugan for a short prayer service and blessing of the graves by Mgr. Ken McCaffrey. Fr Jim Walls read from St Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians 4:13-18 reminding us not to grieve like other people who have no hope as we believe in Jesus who died and rose again and that will be the same for all who have died in Jesus. With such thoughts as these we should comfort each other. 

The Associates then laid flowers at each of the Little Sisters graves. 

The cemetery contains the remains of 40 Little Sisters of the Poor as well as 27 Sisters of Mercy along with several priests. May each of them be rewarded for their life of service and be rewarded with a heavenly reward.

 Following the visit to Wellburn Mother Anthony Francis and Mother Marie Claire then visited Birkhill cemetery where Sr. Genevieve and Sr. Anne are buried where prayers were offered, and flowers were laid.

Mother Provincial and Mother Marie Claire expressed their grateful thanks to Mgr. Ken, Fr Jim and the Associates with the knowledge that we are here to remember and care for their deceased Sisters. Special thanks to John O’Meara for opening up the grounds of Wellburn so the visit could take place.