Mini Retreat at Ss Peter & Paul’s

Press releases

Ss Peter & Paul’s Church, Dundee, hosted a mini retreat over the weekend 13 – 15 September, which was led by Fr Tom Ryan from the Killaloe Diocese. The driving force for a parish retreat had been led by our late Deacon Charles Hendry R.I.P. 

James Galligan reports, “What started off as a parish retreat was then extended to all and it was good to see and welcome parishioners from several parishes throughout Dundee. Fr Tom has preached many missions and retreats in Ireland and abroad over the years and is also a close friend of Mgr. Ken who have known each other from their days in seminary.”

The theme of the Mission was “A Ray of Hope” in preparation for the Holy Year 2025.

You will find links below for each of the services with the opportunity to hear the sermons from each of the Masses.

Mission weekend; Friday of week 23 of the year (II); Blessed name of Mary; memorial (

On the Friday evening, parishioners were encouraged to follow the example of Our Lady to encourage others by giving them a little nudge of the elbow to spur them on, something she did when Jesus performed his first miracle.

Mission weekend; Saturday of week 23 of the year (II); The Exultation of the Holy Cross, Feast (

At the Saturday morning Mass, which included prayers for healing and where Fr Tom and Fr Malcolm anointed the sick we were asked to ponder on ‘To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable and to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength’.

After lunch there was exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, which was very well attended and Fr Tom was available for the 2 hours to offer a blessing, hear confession or just for a chat.

Mission Weekend Vigil Mass – ‘Who do the people say I am? Who do you say I am?’

Jesus makes it clear he wants dedicated followers not just admirers. He wants workers and not onlookers and he tells us that in following the way of life that he shows us that crosses will come in the same way it came to him.

Mission weekend: 24th Sunday of the year (B) (

Mr Galligam added, “We were challenged to reflect on our priorities as we live in a society today that encourages us that our life won’t be as good or as perfect if we don’t have to the latest mobile phone or fashion accessary. We can be committed to our jobs, but we should not become workaholics that leads to the detriment of families and friends.  At the end of Mass Fr Tom gave a blessing of homes and commissioned us to ‘Go Out and Spread the Good News’.”