Synod Questionaire Responses

Press releases

Bishop Stephen is delighted with the response of the priests and people of the Diocese of Dunkeld to the Consultation on Marriage and the Family. There were a good number of responses made both directly on the website and in the form of written responses sent to him at the Diocesan Centre. He would like to thank everyone for their …

Urgent Message from Bishop Hugh Gilbert

Press releases

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As you know, the Scottish Parliament is considering a Bill to legalise assisted suicide in certain situations. It is our human, Christian and democratic duty to oppose this. Thanks to advances in medical science and health care, we are likely to live longer. This can sometimes mean a drawn-out and difficult old age. The …

Pope’s letter about WYD

Press releases

Dear Young Friends, We continue our spiritual pilgrimage toward Krakow, where in July 2016 the next international World Youth Day will be held. As our guide for the journey we have chosen the Beatitudes. Last year we reflected on the beatitude of the poor in spirit, within the greater context of the Sermon on the Mount. Together we discovered the …

Bishop’s Diary

Bishop's Diary

BISHOP STEPHEN ROBSON’S APPOINTMENTS Week beginning 21st February 2015 SATURDAY, 21st FEBRUARY Demonstration of SPRED (Religious Education for persons with learning difficulties) St Ninian Pastoral Centre, Lawside, Dundee 11.00-15.00 SUNDAY, 22nd FEBRUARY Morning – Pastoral Visit and Confirmations, St Thomas’ Arbroath; 3pm – Rite of Election, Cathedral, Dundee ; SUNDAY 22nd-TUESDAY 24th FEBRUARY Visit to St Mary’s Seminary, Oscott, Birmingham …

Special Envoy at St John Ogilvie Mass

Press releases

Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor – the former Archbishop of Westminster – has been asked by the Holy Father to be his special envoy at the celebrations which will involve Solemn Vespers at St Aloysius Church, Glasgow at 7.30pm on March 9 and a Mass in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Glasgow at 7.30pm on March 10, St John Ogilvie’s feast day. John …

3 person embryos – Bishop Keenan

Press releases

Following the vote in the House of Commons (Tuesday 3rd February) to allow 3 person embryos, Bishop John Keenan, the Bishop of Paisley said; “The proposed techniques fail on a number of ethical grounds which should concern us all: they destroy human life, since in order to construct a disease free embryo, two healthy ones will have to be destroyed. …

Beyond the stats

Press releases

A quick glance at the ‘religion’ section of the UK’s most recent census, 2012, makes interesting reading. It would appear that for years we have been underestimating our Catholic population in Scotland. Our Catholic community has of course been enlarged by immigration over the years, we knew that. What we didn’t know was that in an age of declining membership …

Pope’s Lenten Message

Press releases

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Lent is a time of renewal for the whole Church, for each communities and every believer. Above all it is a “time of grace” (2Cor 6:2). God does not ask of us anything that he himself has not first given us. “We love because he first has loved us” (1Jn 4:19). He is not aloof from us. Each …