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Bishop Stephen highlighted the work being carried out by the Catholic Parliamentary Office and commended its diligence in the face of fast moving changes that are taking place – particularly during these days of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Catholic Parliamentary Office is an agency of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland and its role is to consult and advise the Parliament on matters relating to the work of both Government and Parliament in accordance with the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.
Bishop Stephen said, “The great work of Antony Horan, Director of the Catholic Parliamentary Office since 2016, and the whole team, takes Catholic Social Teaching into the public square, engaging with the work of Parliament and Government to ensure that the Church’s voice is heard on relevant issues.”
“Its role is to encourage a greater understanding of Catholic Social Teaching and to see the Catholic community of our country engaging in political issues so that we are working together for the dignity of all human life and the common good of society.”
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