Mgr Aldo Angelosanto VG has expressed his tremendous sadness at having to work with the existing strictures on consoling those who are suffering and grieving at this time. He called too for prayers for Mgr Hendry, St Mary Magdalene’s, Perth, who was taken into hospital in Easter Week.
Yesterday, Bishop Stephen Robson had called for prayers from across the diocese for Mgr Hendry whose 63 years of priestly service in Dunkeld have been an inspiration to many.
Mgr Aldo, for many years Chaplain at Dundee’s Ninewell Hospital said:
“It has been very difficult these days as news of people whom I know and love and tended as a Priest, some residents in a Care Home, have died. And there is no real or consoling grieving with all these restrictions.”
“I have been, as many of my colleagues have, to Cemetery and Crematorium, with only strict family members and a a very short Service. There is no hugs, or singing or cup of tea afterwards and there is no consolation, in faith or in human relation terms and the sadness becomes more desolate.”
“My heart goes out to God’s sorrowing people. Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday and the words of the Psalm immediately spring into my mind:-
” Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale, yet will I fear none ill,
For Thou art with me, and Thy rod and staff, me comfort still.”
“Oh Good Shepherd, comfort your children!”
On hearing the news about Mgr Hendry’s failing health, he said, “He is a good and faithful priest who served long and hard in the Lord’s vineyard. May God comfort and console him in his illness. May God embrace his family in His love and tenderness.”