Hundreds of parishioners are expected to attend a special Liturgy of Welcome followed by Solemn Sung Mass with Bishop Stephen Robson in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee at 7pm on Wednesday 4th of September, as the relics of Saint Therese of Lisieux arrive in Dunkeld for the first time as part of an historic three-week tour of Scotland’s eight Catholic dioceses.
Marie-Francoise-Therese Martin entered the convent aged just fifteen and was canonised a saint in 1925 by Pope Pius XI. Many miracles of healing have been reported throughout the world, including Scotland, through her intercession.

Bishop Stephen Robson, Bishop of Dunkeld said:
“All of my Catholic life as layman, priest and then bishop, Thérèse and her spirituality has deeply moved me.”
“A few years ago when Pope St John Paul II declared Thérèse to be a Doctor of the Church, acknowledging that St Thérèse had not set much down in writing about her detailed spiritual path to God, he nevertheless prophetically declared that what she lacked in literary acumen she professed and practically demonstrated in her spiritual life; that the most sublime knowledge of the Lord is most powerfully gained above all by means of the Way of Love. In this, Thérèse was indeed a veritable Doctor of the Church, and her simple spiritual ways are a safe and sure guide and path to the Lord.”
“For the three days of her visit to us in Dundee (4-7 September) our Cathedral in Dundee will be open for most of the time, and for an all-night Vigil on 5-6 September.”
Fr Jim Grant, General Secretary of the Bishops Conference of Scotland who has coordinated the visit said:
“People today are fascinated by the idea of pilgrimage, of travelling to a holy place or site associated with a holy person. This once in a lifetime visit of the relics of Saint Therese to Scotland is a pilgrimage in reverse, where a holy person comes to us. We can expect many graces from this visit including healing, conversion and discovery of true vocation to God.”